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Passover Activities for School or Home


Links Verified as of 03/31/2023

History of Passover

Passover is the Jewish holiday commemorating the Jews' escape from their enslavement in Egypt. The holiday is marked by a special diet and ceremonial dinners called seders. In Israel, the holiday lasts 7 days. In the rest of the world, most Jews observe the holiday for 8 days. The key responsibility in Passover is to relate the story of the Exodus from Egypt so that the matter of enslavement and the appreciation of freedom is never forgotten.

1. An explanation of Passover.

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Did you know that more Jews celebrate Passover than any other holiday? Check out this resource for a one-page explanation of Passover, complete with the components of the Passover seder. SEE MORE
2. Learn how matzo, the ceremonial Passover bread is made.

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Watch this video to see how to make matzo. Not more than 18 minutes can pass after the water comes in contact with the flour for it to be Kosher. SEE MORE
3. Mah Nishtanah.

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Chabad.org has special audio classes, which are nicely paced songs to practice the Four Questions,Dayenu and other songs with your younger children. SEE MORE
4. Make your own Hagaddah!.

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Create a custom Passover Seder, with access to unique content contributed by our community. Find readings, artwork and video clips in our library, to enliven your Seder experience. SEE MORE
5. Online Passover games.

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Passover games for kids ? Right below here. The following are educational Passover games for kids, for teens, and even for adults! Test your knowledge and speed with our educational Pesach games and self-grading quizzes! Train your brain to remember everything about Pesach with these educational Passover games for kids, teens, and adults. SEE MORE
6. Passover Coloring Book.

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Download a terrific coloring book to keep the kids busy during the seder or to decorate the house for Passover. SEE MORE
7. Printable Passover games.

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Check out these great Printable Passover games (coloring pages, word searches and more). Encourage children to learn about the traditions and history of Passover with these educational worksheets. Kids will learn about the story of Passover, seders, and other traditions. SEE MORE
8. The 4 Questions.

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One of the highlights of the Passover seder is when the youngest child at the table asks The 4 Questions. This is called the Ma Nishtana. Read and listen to the Ma Nishtana here. SEE MORE
9. What Is Passover (Pesach)?

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For a one-page summary about Passover and the Passover story, check out Chabad.org's Passover section SEE MORE
10. When Is Passover in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025?

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If you want to know when is Passover, there is a good chance you may appreciate some other basic Passover info found on this site. SEE MORE



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